For Students
Disclaimer: Linked sites are not under the control of the school district, its agents or its employees. MISD is not responsible for the contents of any linked site, any link contained in a linked site or any changes or updates to such sites. The school district provides links as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement of the site by Mansfield ISD.
- Brain Pop Jr. (See teacher for login information.)
- Build Yourself Wild
- Cool Math 4 Kids
- Classlink (Username: First initial+Last initial+lunch number Password: Boren+birth month number+birthday number+!)
- Google Classroom is on your Classlink. Username: same as Google Password is the same as Classlink as well.
- Cardio Kids-25 minute exercise routine program for kids.
- Canvas
- 50 States -
- 50 States -
- FASTT Math
- First in Math
- Flashcards for Kids
- Fun Brain
- Flocabulary
- 4th Grade webpage
- Field Trip Zoom-(FTZFree2Weeks3FA8)
- Internet Safety-Netsmartkidz
- IXL-Learning
- Moreno's Technology Bingo Card-(Get a parent signature to show the challenges you have completed.)
Mayflower - The First Thanksgiving
- Math - National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- Moby Max / Moby Math (Password: tx4107)
- Museums with virtual tours
- Mansfield Parks & Recreation live Facebook children's programs.
- Minecraft Education-Username: first initial+last initial+lunch Password: Classlink Password.
- Pics4Learning
- PBS Kids
- Preschool and Kindergarten Activities
- PebbleGo (2nd-4th grade has this link on their Classlink,)
- Prodigy
1. RAZ kids
- Spelling City
- Star Fall
- Interactive Science Lessons
- San Diego Zoo Kids
- Smarty Games
- Silly Drawing Prompts
- Seesaw
- Turtle Diary
- Typetastic
- Typing Games
- Typing Club
- Tux Paint Download
- Twinkl-Free Educational Downloads
- Animal Cams
- National Geographic
- Smithsonian
- Live Webcams Worldwide
- Solar System
- Anne Frank Secret Annex
- PBS-North America
- Ellis Island
- Egyptian Adventure
- Full Screen 360